Hylopathic Mechanics 
How Sentiency and Consciousness Materialize in a Stressed Ether!
Sen'ti-en-cy, n
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1.  a sentient state or quality; capacity for feeling or perceiving; consciousness.  (from Webster's Dictionary of the Enlish Language, Unabridged; 1977.)
stress, n
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Stress associated with and equal in magnitude to (in fact, synonomous with!) the elastic mechanical stress in the Ether field at any precise point.  Stress experienced by the Ether field as sensation.
Hylopathic Mechanics is a bold, new science that explains how consciousness emerges in a blustery ether-filled universe.  It proposes that the all-pervading ether behaves elastically and is therefore subject to elastic mechanical stress and strain; this elastic stress isn't exclusively a physical property, however.  It is also accompanied by a sentient property, that of hylopathic stress--stress experienced by the universe as sensation!  Elastic stress and hylopathic stress in the Ether field are in fact synonymous and are therefore equal in magnitude at any precise point in the universe.

     Indication:  As the strength of the stress the strength of the sensation.

In this way elastic behaivor in the ether field is directly associated with sentient experiences.

     Elastic mechanical stress is also a force in standard physics and a force has the capacity to accelerate objects (change their direction and velocity).  The implication here is enormous!  Because elastic stress and hylopathic stress are synonymous in hylopathic mechanics, it should also be understood that hylopathic stress is a force that has the capacity to accelerate objects.  Thus sensation evokes inertial change in the universe in the same way a force does!  Or more precise yet, sensation in the ether field is accompanied with an elastic mechanical force (or "elastic stress") of the same proportional magnitude and evokes a change in velocity on objects (accelerates objects).

If this force-sentience relationship is extended to all the fundamental forces of the universe (electro-magnetism, gravity, nuclear forces, etc.), then the indications are science-shattering!  The force of electro-magnetism is understood to be 10   times stronger than the force of gravity according to the standard framework of physics.  Hylopathic Mechanics makes the indication 
Elastic Stress and the Pain/Pleasure Dichotomy